du/dt filters reduce the voltage overshoot and associated problems due to the switching of PWM VFDs, especially when retrofitting VFDs to existing, perhaps older motors with suspect insulation.
The filters eliminate ringing due to long cables (<150m).
Available from 2A to 1000A in voltages to 690V. IP00/IP20 option as well as enclosed versions.
Brochure with specifications
Sentinel Power Quality has the knowledge and experience
When applied correctly, filters are an important tool in the harmonic mitigation toolbox. However, no form of mitigation is perfect. The secret of success is recognising the pros and cons of all types of active and passive mitigation and being able to apply the most appropriate form of mitigation for any given application.
The engineers at Sentinel Power Quality have been involved in applying active and series passive filters since 2003 to standard and demanding applications.
Contact us with your application details and let us assist you.